Her speech quoted author Judy Tierney...or rather, quoted part of what Tierney said.
Stultz left out queers.
Tierney's commemorative poem said
Never again should the world tolerate the cruelty and the inhuman acts that the Nazis perpetrated against the Jews, the Gypsies, the weak and disabled as well.
Never again should religion, race, ethnic background, disability or sexual orientation define who lives and who dies, who is equal or unequal.
Never again.
But Stultz's speech (edited, she said, without her knowledge) omitted the words "or sexual orientation". Obviously Stultz was herself ignorant of the fact that an estimated 50,000 lesbians and gay men were arrested under the Nazis, thousands of whom were sent to concentration
Stultz apologized, saying she speaks for all New Brunswickers.