I wouldn't miss it for the world!
Diversity Dialogues: Under The Robes: Diversity on the Bench Matters
Facilitated by Provincial Court of Manitoba Judge Kael McKenzie
When I was appointed to the bench there was much said in the media about the
fact that I am transgender. Many asked, "Why does this matter?" It is a
valid question because justice is supposed to be blind and judges are
supposed to be unbiased. In theory a Judge's personal characteristics are
irrelevant, but the reality is that we each bring our own unique experience
and perspective to the difficult task of Judging especially with sensitive
cases. Does or should the Judiciary reflect Canadian Society? What issues
does diversity raise for the public? What if any barriers are there to
judicial appointment? Who if anyone should be excluded? Join us for a
discussion on why diversity on the bench matters.
Here's a picture, which I couldn't copy into this post:
Date/TIme: June 16, 2016 5:30 to 7:30pm
Link: http://lawcourtscenter.camp7.org/event-2219020
Fee: $125,00
CPD: 2.0 hours including 1.0 hour in client relations, ethics and
professional responsibility.
Sincerely, Dom
Dom C. Bautista
Executive Director
Law Courts Center
Legal Education Program
"raising the bar in legal education"
150 - 840 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6Z 2L2
1(604)685-2727 (phone) [email protected]